Playground Trembley-Parc


This exhibition has been created to initiate a discussion with young residents and their families about the future playground at Trembley Parc. urbz has been commissioned by the Terra et Casa Foundation to work with young residents in a participatory way towards the realisation of the new playground. 

urbz is an international collective specialising in co-creation for urban, architecture and community projects.

 Play means Fun… Learning…Imagination....Exploration...Interactions…Problem solving…Creativity…Freedom…

Play is a part of all our lives. From a very early age, play helps us become who we are. As we grow older and change, what play means to us can also change but the need to play remains.

 What does Play mean to you?


Around 50m2 has been dedicated for the creation of a playground. Located on the grounds of Trembley Parc, the space is triangular with one curved edge and situated at the bottom of the hill by the large trees.

What do you already like about the outdoor space in Trembley Parc? What do you think is important to have for a playground here?

To help continue your reflections and our discussion, we have selected 10 remarkable playgrounds from Geneva and the rest of Switzerland.





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